This is probably one of my favorite collabs to date because I got to hang out with the amazing AtHomeWithNikki! For those of you that are subscribed to her, of course you know why I love her so much. She’s such a genuine, talented lady with a love for all things home and style (good grief can this girl decorate!) and a heart anchored in the Lord. We’ve known each other on YouTube for years, and this was our first time getting to meet in person. She was in the Charlotte area helping her brother and sister in law in their brand new home, and we made a day of shopping, lunch, and a pantry makeover. Totally nerding out on organizing supplies. <3
There are times when you meet someone and you feel like you’ve known them forever. Nikki is one of those people. Our work on the pantry didn’t feel like work, it was just friends hanging out. Smiling, laughing, collaborating, and just celebrating life. I got to hold her beautiful baby niece (baby fix!) and spoke on the phone with her completely adorable mom. Such a blast.
Here is how the amazing pantry transformation turned out… it was a makeover that was under $100. All Dollar Tree products and a couple of Wal-Mart glass jars. No kidding! But this space is more than pretty bins. It is a system that is going to keep it functioning for their family for years to come.
I’m loving these large mason jars. I think they really make the space! They are one of the only items that you can’t find at the Dollar Tree. They do sell smaller mason jars, but these 1/2 gallon ones are the best!
Here is the video tour, with some tips and tricks of how we got this pantry functioning. Come hang out with us!
Don’t forget to catch Nikki’s video here!
Love this!!!! Can’t wait to see more videos of you two. I am moving in a new house and I am trying to grasp everything you both put out. I have learned so much from both of you. Wonderful ideas and space saving also. My pantry will only be half this size but still the ideas you showed are great! Thanks so much to the two of you for the time it takes to do these videos and helping all your subscribers. I appreciate you very much.
Have a Blessed Day!
Thank you for sharing. I love you both and am always anxious to watch Nikki’s channel. She is a Master!
Hi! Those are amazing tips you both share here, Where do you think I can find the best deal for those mason jars you used for dry goods? Thanks for sharing your wisdom lady!! ^.^
The best deal is Wal-Mart. They are $12 for 6. If you don’t have a Wal-Mart near you, you can find them here:
You guys are awesome! Love watching you both. The pantry turned out great and I am obsessed with that blue DT bin “line”. I can’t stop buying them and I don’t even have a specific project for all of them.
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Have a small closet size shelf pantry. Will try some of your ideas……..
THANKS ! ! !