Today I had another video planned. But this message was on my heart to share. Have you ever felt not good enough? Unworthy? Like everyone on YouTube has a clean house and most people have it pretty much together while you are crumbling apart? Or can’t even keep the dang crumbs off the floor. And you skip cleaning the sink…kind of a lot? Sometimes I feel like this, too. And sometimes you tell me I make it look like I have it all together. And I don’t. And here’s what I really want you to know. I’m behind you. I believe in you! This, my friends is realistic organizing.
*This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. Links contain affiliates.*
Right there with you!!
This video makes you even more awesome in my eyes! Thank you for acknowledging the “real” in life and that what social media shows us is usually the “perfect.” I’m old enough to have raised my family without social media and I sometimes worry how hard it must be on young women to see how well everyone else is doing things. Your message is on the nose!
I have found that as children left my home and my husband passed, I have become very slack. It’s like the more you have to do the more you can get done until it is only you and you don’t have to do it “today”. My husband passed 2 years ago in Oct and I had to take a moment or two or three and sit and cry but I usually do it watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark and Hallmark Movies and Mystery channel. Bless you for showing that life isn’t perfect all the time in the home. Hugs, Brenda
Wonderful !!!
Thanks for that note. I needed that this morning. I enjoy your creative and less expensive ideas, even if I am not a young mother.
Great video and message! I definitely struggle with this. More often than not and more recently than ever before. I made your DIY lazy susan last week. I have never attempted anything like this before and I was SO PROUD of myself that I completed it and it actually looks awesome! Thank you for sparking inspiration in me at a time that I really needed it. XOXO
Thank you so much for this video! I gen in your imperfection and your mess, you are awesome, Kathryn!
thank you!! I needed that today. feeling unworthy as a mother lately with my very stubborn 3 year old and nothing is getting done. This made me feel like I’m not so alone 🙂
thank you. I never doubted you lived normally. your kids grow up so fast and today’s world is hectic. go with the flow. you are teaching your kids it is ok not to be Better Homes and Gardens. I rarely make my bed and it feels great to get in to at night as if it had been made.
thank you
Thank you for the authentic self video. It is a much needed reminder and exactly what I needed to hear today.
I love your tips and ideas, they do help me but people need to realize you have to take tips and ideas and make them fit your life, your home, your style. I watch your videos for ideas to improve my cleaning and organizing but also for inspiration and you have that in spades! I love the way you include your family and watching you interact with your boys warms my heart and makes me smile.
Thank you for being you! I love your heart! ❤️
Thanx Kathryn for making it real!
Love you and Good bless you too!
Thanks for showing all sides of you. It makes a big difference for us to see you are like us too!
Thank you for keeping it real, kathryn. They’ll be plenty of time later on when the kiddies are grown up and out of the house for all that neatness. Enjoy the messes and busyness, I miss those days. Keep on inspiring though, I love your videos.
Great video. Kudos on being authentic. I agree that it is so easy to go on social media and feel bad because we feel that we need to compare our lives to others. I found I had to take a step back from Facebook because I found myself comparing myself to others and it made me feel that I wasn’t as good a mother, wife etc as some of my friends. I take it day by day and know that I can’t be perfect in everything (nor do I want to be). I try to be the best person I can and help people as much as I can. I know I will make mistakes along the way but that is how we all learn. Thank you for all the tips and inspiration you provide! Keep up the good work.
Great message; equally great reminder of God’s incredible love and that often we misjudge what we see and we tend to judge ourselves harshly. I wrote a blog post just this week about how God sees us…and it’s with eyes of love.
child, you r awesome. 4 decades ago I worked full time, half time and a weekend sometimes plus I was raising a son. I lived in an area that hadn’t seen snow for a decade yet I owned a snow shovel. For the inside of the house. those toys were easy clean-up. start at door and scoop up all toys, books and play stuff. Dump in box and on to next room. yep, toys in living room, my bedroom and the kitchen. turn shovel over and put old damp towel under it and the kitchen floor was cleaned so was the dinning room. lol time constraint met OCD factor and I won. ( I never made the bed for 2 decades, changed the sheets twice a week yet never made the bed in between)
I don’t always get around to watching the videos in a timely manner so I was watching this one today and really needed this. I have been feeling overwhelmed with organizing and house work and you really did hit the nail on the head. I realized I wasn’t living by my own words — there are many more important things in life than a clean house — friends, husbands, and just me time. Thanks for your input on enjoying the real life!
I believe in you too.!!…Our lives are not meant to be “perfect”…We live our lives the best way we can and if it means having dirty dishes or a front room that’s unkept then so be it…Tomorrow will be better, so sit back, relax and enjoy the moment because time passes by to quickly…
Thank you for sharing.All too often I feel like I get nothing accomplished. When my children were young I was able to get organized. Now I have adult children and three grandchildren living with me, and I feel so disorganized.
Thank you so much for your real life video am in the middle of a huge challenge in my life and your videos bring me so many slices of jo.
U R Awesome!!!!
You are awesome! And I could not agree more about your last statement. 🙂
Thankful for all you share! Grateful for all that I have learned! Blessed that I found your Blogs and Youtube videos!